It's feeling connected to the truth that is true always, yet tuned into the truth that changes...and being ok with all of it.
It's allowing the full range of emotions and seeing beauty, power and purpose in all of them.
It's being unafraid of your pain and fear, willing to feel it all and love yourself despite and because of it.
It's loving someone so honestly that you want them to be themselves and follow their heart's expression of freedom....even if it doesn't include being with you.
It's being willing to love yourself no matter what.
It's taking the time to understand what your power truly is and willing to let go of all that it's not.
It's being true to yourself.
Its knowing nothing needs to change or be a certain way in order for you to feel well-being, including anything to do with "you".
It's being unafraid to be oneself, authentically, trusting that all is ok.
It's allowing all beings in your life to be who they are, even if you don't agree with their choices.
It's a perfect state of love and trust, it even trusts that which we judge as imperfect.
It's an expression of one's true soul essence, beautifully flowing through the human experience.
It's the knowing that anything can be healed and integrated into love.
It's the highest expression of love, and the deepest and it expands all things.
It's you, it's me, it's them.
It's the true state and feeling of abundance.
It belongs to everyone and is being expressed all the time....even as "non-free" beings and experiences.
It's wishing that all beings know that they are free, powerful and loved. The purest intention, no agenda, no hidden motive.
It is everything, everywhere, all at once.